Friday, December 6, 2013

December Daily - Day 5

Today my friend and I did a "preserving course" and learnt how to make jams, chutneys etc and safely preserve it to eat later.  I know there are lots of instructions on the internet but there is nothing like having a day out with a friend to learn a new skill.  We went to a place called "Green Living Australia" where you can learn to preserve food, make cheeses or soaps and we had a great day out.  It has been a very busy week and the kids have finished school today (it's now Day 6 as I'm posting Day 5) and we will be putting up the Christmas Tree tomorrow so can't wait for some Christmas photos of that.

There was one Christmas Elf who had found his way into James room this morning.  Since Sienna is the first one up in the morning she has been on the look out for our Elf on a Shelf however I figured if he was in James room she wouldn't be able to spoil the surprize today.

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